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An Engineering Student Commits Suicide Due To Social Pressure, Anxiety and Depression

Saqib Hussain Hakro, who was an electrical engineering student at Bahria University Islamabad committed suicide a few days ago. Saqib had already graduated but could not receive his degree due to one particular course which he failed repeatedly.

As per reports Saqib had cleared 47 out of the 48 courses and took an extra year to clear the last course, which eventually led to a loss of life when he committed suicide on July 7, 2019.

Source: Twitter

Saqib`s roommate account published in Parhlo.

Saqib Hussain Hakro, My good friend and roommate also, committed suicide today due to our filthy education system.
He was a student of Electrical Engineering Department(Bahria University Islamabad). 
He spent almost 5 years (10 semesters) in the university far away from his family in order to pursue education. As he was about to complete his degree but was given F for the many time in the same subject that made him depressed.
He lost courage and sacrificed a beautiful life, leaving all of us in deep grief and regret.
A regret that we have built a society based on extreme frustration. every next academic step seems an impossible task, every teacher victimizes and with all these, you have got no place to ventilate yourself.

A Dream Died, A Hope lost, a Family Heartbroken at the expense of our wicked corrupt and emotionally draining educational system. What a bloody education system.”

This is not the first time a student has committed suicide due to academic pressure, last year, there were suicide incidents reported from all over Pakistan. Majority of them resulted from an unsatisfactory performance or failure to secure a job after graduation.

As soon as Saqib`s suicide was on social media, Pakistani populace not only sympathized with Saqib, in fact, raised concerns regarding the prevalent education system where students are compelled to do so.

Many of the twitter users emphasized upon the fact, that suicidal tendencies and mental health is still not considered a substantial problem in Pakistan. Such tendencies are rather ignored at the preliminary stage which leads to such incidents.


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